
Teacher Activity
Student Activity

· 5 mins.

· 5 mins.

· 10 mins.

· 10 mins.

· 5 mins.

· 10 mins.

· 5 mins.

· Introduction. Teacher takes coloured paper and cuts it in half several times. Asks questions such as “Can I cut the paper in half indefinitely? What limits the number of times that I can cut the paper? What is the smallest unit that I will reach if I continue to cut the paper?”

· Introduces Inquiry cubes activity. This is to show students that scientists draw inferences about what cannot be observed from what can be observed.

· Introduces What’s in the Box activity. This shows students that scientists can draw tentative conclusions about what cannot be observed by performing investigations / experiments.

· Teacher discusses atomic structure with the students using PowerPoint to illustrate key ideas. “How do we know what the structure of the atom is when it is too small to be observed, even with the most powerful microscopes?” Teacher draws on the students’ learning experience with the cubes and boxes.

· Directs students to take the short online quiz to test what they have learnt about atomic structure.

· Directs students to make a Photo Booth presentation that illustrates what they have learnt about atomic structure (and the philosophy of science).

· Teacher summarises how scientists think and work and how this leads to discoveries such as the structure of the atom. Stresses that atomic structure is a model that helps scientists to understand how elements react, and that the model can change in light of new scientific evidence.

· Students listen, observe, think and answer questions.

(Students will work in pairs for all of the following activities).

· Inquiry cubes. Based upon patterns that are visible on five sides of a cube, students try to determine what is on the bottom, unseen side of the cube.

· What’s it the Box? Students investigate a small sealed box and try to identify what it might contain. Students can probe the box, e.g. use magnets.

· Students listen, observe, think and answer questions.

· Interactive animation. Online animation of the atom. Students drag-and-drop words to label the different parts of the atom (QR code).

· Online Quiz. Students take a short online quiz to assess their knowledge of atomic structure (QR code).

· Photo Booth presentation. Students produce their own Photo Booth presentation to summarise what they have learned about atomic structure.

· Students listen, observe, think and answer questions.

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